GSC supports #YesOrNo

Over the last week there has been much written in the media about the lack of feedback actors are given following auditions:

"Leading theatres and casting directors sign up to #YesOrNo audition campaign"

Guildford Shakespeare Company have cast all of their own shows in-house since their inception in 2006. As actors turned actor-managers, it has always been integral to our ethos that every single auditionee or interviewee is given a “yes or no” answer as soon as we are able to. It is vital to people’s sense of self-worth and purpose to receive an answer but also to be thanked for their time and preparation. It is too easily over-look the amount of time, energy and money that actors, stage managers and other creatives have put into coming for an audition or interview. At that moment, we are all invested in that person getting the job and so giving an answer either way is simple, and easy courtesy.

Additionally, we are always happy to give further feedback when asked for it.

We support the #YesorNo Campaign.

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